Verse of Bathing the Buddha
Oṃ Muni Muni Mahāmuni Śākyamuni Svāhā
To bathe the Buddha, Whose merit and insight are completely perfect, I vow to purify the defilement of myself and other beings So we all are able to attain our pure Dharma body. Neither was the Buddha born in Lubini, Nor He passed away between two Sala trees in Kusinara, India. The true Buddha has neither birth nor death. The birth we see is just an illusion produced by our sick eyes. Today is the eighth day of the fourth month, We celebrate the birthday of our historical Buddha. To welcome him, from the sky nine dragons made water to bathe his body Every step he walked, from the earth a lotus came out to support his foot.
Translated by Venerable Sakya, Minh-Quang