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Daśa Cakra Kṣitigarbha Dhāraṇī from The Ten Wheel Sūtra of the Essence of Earth (Kṣitigarbha)

Kṣitigarbha Boddhisattva photo taken by Ridone Ko on Flickr

It is said in The Ten Wheel Sūtra of the Essence of Earth (Kṣitigarbha), “All comfort, happiness and peace in this world come from making offerings to the Rare Sublime Ones (the Triple Gem). Therefore, those who want comfort, happiness and peace should always try to make offerings to the Rare Sublime Ones.” - Lama Zopa Rinpoche; Soquel, CA USA 1999

Dasa Cakra Kṣitigarbha Dhāraṇī in Sanskrit with English translation:

namō ratna trayāya nama āryakṣitigarbha bōdhisattvāya mahasattvāya

Adoration to the Triple Treasure, adoration to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Supreme Being,



kṣam-bhū, kṣam-bhū, kṣud kṣam-bhū,

Auspicious One! Auspicious One! Crushing, Auspicious One!

ākāśa kṣam-bhū, vāraka kṣam-bhū, ambu kṣam-bhū, vaira kṣam-bhū,

Open Air, Auspicious One! Obstacles, Auspicious One! Water, Auspicious One! Revengeful, Auspicious One!

vajra kṣam-bhū, a-lōka kṣam-bhū, dama kṣam-bhū,

Thunderbolt, Auspicious One! Ominousness, Auspicious One! Subduing, Auspicious One!

satyama kṣam-bhū, satya nir-hara kṣam-bhū, vyavalōka kṣapa kṣam-bhū,

Truthful, Auspicious One! Removing from the first Yoga Age, Auspicious One! Look upon the process of a day, Auspicious One!

upaśama kṣam-bhū, nayana kṣam-bhū, prajna sam-bhū tirana kṣam-bhū,

Tranquility of mind! Auspicious One! Carrying, Auspicious One!

Awakened One is delighted, manifest superhuman power, Auspicious One!

kṣana kṣam-bhū, visvariya kṣam-bhū, śasta lāva kṣam-bhū.

Every Instant, Auspicious One! Flows that resemble water, Auspicious One!

Gathering of Noble Teachers, Auspicious One!

vyāḍa su jya ma hirē damē samē, cakrē-sē cakra ma hirē

Wicked person brought forth to oppression subdued and tranquil.

Not banded belonging the wheel and serving.

kṣinē bhirē hṛd-grah saṁvara vratē. śiri prabhē pra-cara vartanē

The weakened, and intimated, Overpower the minds! Keep back! Shutting out the external world! Radiant of lights uniformly setting in motion passage.

ratna-palē cala cala śiri milē ekārtha, takki ṭhakkura darē darē,

Jewel protector of the earth move, moving the destruction uniformly into one notion,

Chief of rationalist! Hold! Hold!

milē badhē tadē akulē ku milē mi-ri aṅgo-citta avi ala-girē pra-ghṛ

To fix and appropriate confused ashore. Destruct hindrances. Accomplish minds protecting and preventing poisonous diseases of the eyes.

kuṭṭa samanē jaṅgē jaṅgē jaṅgule, huru huru huru, kuru stu.

Grind in one point. Dawn! New Dawn! The Growing of Water! Fire! Fast, fast, fast to the country (ancient Aryan - Northern Himalaya) Of everlasting happiness

milē mi mi lidhē, milē tarē, bha dada hara hira hirē, huru huru ru.

To fix! Construct! Construct! To fix! Lapping! To fix! Aspirate out delusion! Destroyed! Removed! Stripped away! Fast! Fast! Dashing to pieces.

hava-rāja vi-ṣōdhanē svāhā kali-yuga vi-ṣōdhane svāhā

Hail! Hail! Purifying Samadhi arise from emotion (Cycle of Birth and Death)! Hail! Hail! Purify the End of the World!

kaluṣa-mana vi-ṣōdhanē svāhā kaluṣa-mahā-bhūta vi-ṣōdhanē svāhā.

Hail! Hail! Purifying Deluded Imaginary, and Arrogance!

Hail! Hail! Purifying the non-equilibrium of the great Five Elements!

kaluṣa-rasa vi-ṣōdhanē svāhā kaluṣa-ōja vi-ṣōdhanē svāhā.

Hail! Hail! Purifying Filthy Taste!

Hail! Hail! Purifying adverse oddities!

sarva asa pari-pūraṇi svāhā sarva sasya saṁ-padanē svāhā.

Hail! Hail! All dust set to accomplishment! Hail! Hail! Bestowing all Merits!

sarva tathāgata adhisṭhitē svāhā.

Hail! Hail! All Tathāgata (Thus Come One) will increase the blessings!

sarva bōdhisattva adhisṭhita anu-moditē svāhā.

Hail! Hail! All Bodhisattvas has rejoiced, and giving blessings!

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